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School Plans for Student Achievement

School Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA) are a comprehensive document providing details about the school’s planned actions and expenditures to support student outcomes and overall performance, and how these actions connect to the school’s Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). California Education Code sections 41507, 41572, and 64001 and the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) require each school to consolidate all school plans for programs funded through the School and Library Improvement Block Grant, the Pupil Retention Block Grant, the consolidated Application, and the NCLD Program Improvement into the School Plan For Student Achievement.
The annual process of developing, reviewing, and updating the Plan is conducted by each school’s School Site Council (SSC), a collaborative, advisory group made up of school staff, parents, community members, and, at the secondary level, students.  Development of the SPSA is the Council’s primary responsibility, and offers schools and their respective communities an opportunity to:
    • Be part of a collaborative and inclusive school support and growth process
    • Review and analyze state and local student achievement, attendance, and climate data
    • Engage the community in providing input to identify and develop school improvement priorities            
    • Build relationships geared toward a mutual goal of supporting the success of all students
    • Celebrate and highlight the work of the schools in building performance and growth
Using the California Department of Education's Guide, the SSCs address each of the following, as applicable:
    • A description of curricula, instructional strategies and materials responsive to the individual needs and learning styles of each student
    • A description of instructional and auxiliary services to meet the needs of English learners, socioeconomically disadvantaged students, students performing below grade level, high achieving students, and students with exceptional needs
    • A description of a staff development program for teachers, classified staff, and other school personnel
    • An identification of the schools’ means of evaluating progress toward accomplishing its goals (described in the Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes) and an ongoing evaluation of the educational program of the school
    • A description of how state and federal categorical funds provided to the school will be used to improve the academic performance of all pupils to the level of state performance goals
The SPSA is approved by the GCC board of Trustees annually.   A copy of the SPSA is available at each school.  For additional information on the SPSA, school programs and how you may become involved locally, please contact your school's principal.
Quick Guide to Acronyms

Quick Guide to Acronyms

  • ATSI - Additional Targeted Support and Improvement
  • CSI - Comprehensive Support and Improvement
  • ESSA - Every Student Succeeds Act
  • LEAs - School Districts, County Offices of Education (COEs), and Charter schools
  • SPSA - School Plan for Student Achievement
  • TSI - Targetted Support and Improvement


Community Collaborative Charter School



Empowering Possibilities Internation Charter (EPIC)



Gateway International School (GIS)


Higher Learning Academy (HLA)


Sacramento Academic and Vocational Academy (Twin Rivers)

Sacramento Academic and Vocational Academy (Elk Grove)

Sacramento Academic and Vocational Academy (Sacramento City)