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Para Educator Exam

Thank you for your interest in taking the Para Educator Exam.  To sign up for an upcoming test, click the button on the left for the Exam Sign-up, or to go practice for the exam, click on the Practice Tests button.  
The Para Educator Exam should take about 2 hours to complete, but if more time is needed, than you can continue taking the exam till you finish.  If you pass, you will receive an email with a certificate of completion. If you did not pass, you will receive an email stating you did not pass and which exam you did not pass with a link for practice exams and a link to re-schedule a new exam.
Please note, if you work for GCC, please make sure that you have informed your Principal that you will be taking this test on the date and time that you have selected to make sure that you can attended the Exam on the date and time at the GCC Central Office.