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Employee Handbook

This Gateway Community Charters Employee Handbook is intended to help employees get acquainted with Gateway Community Charters (GCC).  It explains our employment guidelines and should serve as a useful reference document throughout one’s employment at GCC.  Employees should understand that the Handbook is not intended to be a contract (express or implied), nor is it intended to otherwise create any legally enforceable obligation on the part of GCC, the GCC Board of Directors, or employees.  This Handbook supersedes and replaces all previous personnel policies, practices, and guidelines, notwithstanding any current or future Board Policy that may amend it in any form.
The procedures, practices, policies and benefits described here may be modified or discontinued from time to time. GCC will try to inform the employees of any changes as they occur.
Some subjects described in this handbook are covered in detail in board adopted policy documents. Refer to these documents for specific information because the handbook only briefly summarizes those guidelines and benefits. Please note that the terms of the written insurance policies are controlling and override any statements made in this or other documents.
The GCC Board of Directors wants to provide a work environment where employees feel well informed.  To this end, the GCC makes available all board meetings and agendas open and available to the public.  Each board meeting agenda is posted publicly on the web at our GCC website.  The website address is   On the home page employees can access the board agenda website and perform queries to search for specific topics or agenda items.  Employees are encouraged to utilize the information provided on the website and to attend board meetings.
To obtain information regarding specific employment policies or procedures, whether or not they are referred to in this Handbook, employees should contact the Human Resources Dept. at (916) 286-5199 at extension 2089 or email Because GCC is a growing and changing organization, it reserves full discretion to add, modify, or delete provisions of this handbook, or the policies and procedures in which they may be based, at any time, without advanced notice.  For this reason, we urge employees to check with Human Resources or their site administration to obtain current information regarding the status of any particular policy, procedure, or practice.  No individual other than the Superintendent/CEO (with approval of the GCC Board of Directors) has the authority to enter into any employment agreement that modifies the policies stated.  Any such employment agreement must be in writing, signed by the employee, the Superintendent/CEO and, Board President of GCC and expressly reference its intent to modify these policies.