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After School Education & Safety Program (ASES)

Gateway Community Charters currently has after-school programs operating at all of our elementary and middle schools. These programs are funded through a California Department of Education After-School Education and Safety Program (ASES) grant.

What is ASES?

The After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program is the result of the 2002 voter-approved initiative, Proposition 49. This proposition amended California Education Code (EC) 8482 to expand and rename the former Before and After School Learning and Safe Neighborhood Partnerships Program. The ASES Program funds the establishment of local after school education and enrichment programs. These programs are created through partnerships between schools and local community resources to provide literacy, academic enrichment and safe constructive alternatives for students in kindergarten through eighth grade (K-8). Funding is designed to: maintain existing before and after school program funding; and provide eligibility to all elementary and middle schools that submit quality applications throughout California. 
These Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) programs run from the close of school each day until 6:00 p.m. Each school's after-school program offer a safe environment in which academic support, enrichment activities and social emotional development occur every day. Snacks are provided and students enrolled in the programs are expected to attend the full program daily and follow all behavioral requirements. 
Please contact your school site for more information or to sign up for the 2022-23 program.
For more information about the ASES program, including answers to frequently asked questions, please visit the California Department of Education Funding Opportunities webpage.