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Welcome Back Event 2024

superintendent high fiving staff
GCC Staff in crowd
superintendent standing at half court speaking to GCC Staff in crowd
GCC Staff in crowd
superintendent sample speaking into mic
GCC Staff in crowd
GCC Staff in crowd
superintendent speaking to crowd
Speaker standing with GCC Staff in crowd
GCC Staff in crowd
GCC Staff in crowd
GCC Staff in crowd
GCC Staff in crowd
GCC Staff in crowd
GCC Staff in crowd
GCC executives in crowd
GCC Staff in crowd
GCC Staff in crowd
speaker addressing crowd
speaker addressing crowd
speaker addressing crowd
speaker addressing crowd
speaker addressing crowd
drummers performing on court
superintendent and speaker shaking hands
speaker addressing crowd
speaker addressing crowd
speaker addressing crowd
gcc staff clapping for performance
drummers performing on court
drummers performing on court
superintendent and speaker shaking hands
gcc shot of crowd in bleachers
drummers performing on court
drummers performing on court
gcc staff getting pumped up
gcc staff getting pumped up
gcc staff getting pumped up
gcc staff getting pumped up
gcc staff getting pumped up
gcc staff getting pumped up
gcc staff getting pumped up
gcc staff getting pumped up
gcc staff getting pumped up
gcc staff getting pumped up
gcc staff getting pumped up
gcc staff getting pumped up
gcc staff getting pumped up
gcc staff getting pumped up
gcc staff getting pumped up
superintendent addressing crowd
superintendent addressing crowd
superintendent addressing crowd
superintendent addressing crowd
superintendent addressing crowd
superintendent addressing crowd
gcc staff handing out items
gcc staff handing out items
gcc staff handing out items
gcc staff handing out items
speaker hyping crowd up
principal coonan selected to play game
principal coonan selected to play game
principal coonan selected to play game
principal coonan selected to play game
principal coonan selected to play game
principal coonan selected to play game
giant velcro dartboard on gym floor
giant velcro dartboard on gym floor
giant velcro dartboard on gym floor
giant velcro dartboard on gym floor
principal kicking ball
speaker lining up people to play soccer game
sac republic guest speaking in mic
sac republic guest speaking in mic
sac republic guest speaking in mic
superintendent smiling on sidelines
superintendent fist bumping HLA mascot
coa staff cheering
crowd shot of gcc staff
sava mascot cheering
GCC Mascots lined up
EPIC Owl mascot
hla EAGLE mascot
gcc mascots showcasing skills
gcc mascots showcasing skills
gcc mascots showcasing skills
gcc mascots showcasing skills
cccs staff member dancing
gcc mascots showcasing skills
gcc mascots showcasing skills
gcc mascots showcasing skills
gcc mascots showcasing skills
gcc mascots showcasing skills
wide shot of crowd
gcc mascots showcasing skills
gcc mascots showcasing skills
shot of gcc staff in crowd
shot of gcc staff in crowd
shot of gcc staff in crowd
shot of gcc staff in crowd
shot of gcc staff in crowd
shot of gcc staff in crowd
gcc executives in attendance
board president and superintendent
board president lillie campbell
shot of gcc staff in crowd
superintendent speaking in mic
shot of gcc staff in crowd
drummers performing
drummers performing
drummers performing
drummers performing
drummers performing
drummers performing
drummers performing
drummers performing
drummers performing
gcc staff mingling
gcc coa staff group photo
gcc coa staff group photo
sava director in mascot
gcc staff seated at bleachers
gcc staff shot
gcc admin staff shot
gcc admin staff shot
gcc staff shot
gcc staff shot
gcc staff shot
gcc staff group shot
gcc staff group shot
gcc staff group shot
gcc staff group shot
gcc staff group shot
gcc staff group shot
gcc staff group shot
gcc overview shot
gcc staff group shot
gcc staff group shot
gcc staff group shot
gcc staff group shot
gcc staff group shot
gcc staff welcomed in
gcc staff group shot
gcc staff group shot
gcc staff welcomed in
gcc staff welcomed in
gcc staff welcomed in
gcc staff welcomed in
gcc staff welcomed in
gcc staff welcomed in
gcc staff welcomed in